Tuesday, April 7, 2009

debbie downer meets bitter betty.

i hate when normal, lucky people are having an existential meltdown.

"what next?" bullshit. you'll decide it's time for baby #2, get pregnant tomorrow, birth a perfect baby girl (because baby #1 is a perfect baby boy, of course), and live happily ever after.

how do i know?

because you asked that question 6 years ago when you and your high school sweetheart had been together for 8 years and he proposed.

and because you asked that question after living happily ever after as husband and wife for 2 years and decided to have a baby - AND YOU GOT PREGNANT THAT WEEK!!!!!!!!

then there's me; who's been asking that question for what seems like forever and i never really get an answer. marraige, house, babies. that's how it's supposed to go. but my record is stuck on 'skip' and it's like groundhog's day every holiday. "next easter, maybe we'll have to buy a cute little easter dress..." NOPE.

i'm feeling a pretty bitter right now. all because my fertile friend can't decide what to do; be able to get drunk on her birthday this month, or wait til next month to get pregnant. because it's all so simple for the normal, lucky people.