in an effort to better document my pregnancy, i give you "bits"...
- when my bladder gets really full, then i go, i can FEEL everything fall down gradually. it kind of hurts, but it's more weird than anything.
- i have had this headache for 3 days straight.
- max does not like when i sing. he also likes to let me know when i should eat. so far, he's totally cool about me sleeping, which i am quite grateful for. i've read horror stories of being up all night with kicking babies. i'm good with just not singing.
- oh, we named mini Max Christopher. Chris is his daddy's name and we have just always loved 'max'. no one knows an uncool max.
- my usually loose rings are just starting to get tighter. not uncomfortable, but i can see where they're headed.
- i was told by a 13 yr-old boy yesterday that i "look like i ate a baby". ...thanks?
- while i'm definitely rounder, i'm still waiting for the middle belly-button portion of my stomach to round out. it's not a roll, just not ball-shaped yet. and it's annoying me because i guess there's still that "i wonder if she's pregnant or just needs to lay off the cheeseburgers" look on some faces.
- i have mad heartburn. i'm told that means he's hairy. if that's true, he's gonna be a gorilla.
- my boobs had gotten a solid cup-size bigger around 7/8ish weeks, but they've been back to normal since. no new bras! ...yet.
- i heart maternity pants. for real. why does no one wear these on a regular basis?!?! no muffin tops, no fat days, no trying to unbutton lighting fast so you don't pee yourself...
- i still can't believe i'm pregnant. 22 weeks, at that!!!