max is NINE months old! goodgodDAMN!!! i can't believe in just three short, SHORT months, he will be a whole year old. i want him to stay a teeny tiny baby forever. but i also love that he's a big boy i can toss around now. :)
-says "luffoo" (i love you - trust me.), mama, dada, hi and bye, and he thinks his name is bubba. i mean, i didn't set out to make him think that, that's just what i call him!
-pulls himself up to standing!
-rolls around like a hamster in a ball.
sleeps in the crib at the lowest position due to his navy seal training. it's only a matter of time until he scales the side.
-eats a LOT! actually, we're saving on formula since he only really eats about 2 bottles a day now.
-speaking of eating... max ate a frog yesterday. lemme break it down: max was in the pack-n-play over at jen's and she looked over and saw him gnawing on something. she didn't think much of it since he had a teether in there, but upon closer inspection, found that it was, indeed, a tree frog. poor thing had jumped in there, max caught it, and started chewing the CRAP out of it. tore it in half. *insert gags here*
-wears all 9 and 12 month clothes!!! his jams are all 12 month since the 9's are too short. i remember looking at those and thinking, "he will NEVER be big enough for these!" and now i look at them and think to myself that they look like they'll only fot for a few more weeks!!!
we go for his 9-month appointment on friday. i can't wait to see how much he has grown!
the poor frog. ;)