Max is TEN MONTHS OLD!!! i can't believe it. for real. only 2 short months away from being a whole year since i birthed him. crazy.
- CRAWLS! houston, we have movement. kid won't sit still for 10 seconds.
- has SIX teeth! 4 on top, 2 little chicklets on the bottom.
- wakes up telling stories. "doydoy doy doy doy! doy doy? doy doy DOY!!!" who knows what 'doy' means - but homie sure loves saying it.
- laughs when i read to him.
- talks back when someone is talking on tv, the radio, in church. it's awesome. ;)
speaking of church, max is getting baptized next week. "better late than never" as my mom says. haha.
and then there's the other change this month... we switched daycare. ugh. long story. but i'm happy with where he is now, so alls well.