Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Past and Present

I *really* thought Santa would go smoothly this year. Max has been saying hi to Santa on the tree and in the window every day. He was excited to go to "Santa's House" all afternoon... but NOOOOO! We DO have another TOTALLY AWESOME picture for his senior slideshow/wedding/1stdate here, though. (You know I love a good laugh!)

and just for reference...

so what if he hates us forever, right???

Thursday, November 8, 2012

'member that one time...

...when i wrote a real, live BLOG??? yeah. me neither. so anywhoodle. points: - my husband LOVES the walking dead. i do not. except the last couple episodes have actually caught my attention! i might LIKE zombies! i really make a conscious effort to push through the dead zombie noises (think gargling with a dry mouth) and once i get there, it's not half bad!

- max is almost TWO AND A HALF. just plain cray cray. he was Magic Max for halloween!!! my little chippendale. for actual halloween, though, it was a tad cold, so he was a fridays waiter. both were well-received. ;)

- i am heading up our first semester field trip to epcot tomorrow. this is the biggest one i've ever done (249 people total) and i'm just hoping all goes well. i'm REALLY hoping i can get a picture with Buzz Lightyear for max so he will think i am officially the coolest person alive. ;)

- i'm hungry. and i have to be up at 4am, so i gotta go. i am REALLY going to try to be better about writing. REALLY.

Friday, May 4, 2012


i'm bad at linking and my laptop recently died, but i'm doing the confessional friday that Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition does so well...


1. yet ANOTHER friend is having baby #2 and it stings just a bit more each time. OF COURSE i'm happy for each of them, but it's like being a senior in high school and not graduating with the rest of your class. like, being held back. now, obviously, it's not *exactly* the same, but today that's how i feel. i feel like NO one else has to spend thousands of dollars just to have a little 'ole baby. i KNOW that's not true, but i am the infertile in a sea of fertile myrtles. "be thankful for max!!!" - OF COURSE i'm thankful for my bubba; this feeling of wanting him to be a big brother does not diminish in ANY way the love i have for my son.

2. every day this week after we have dinner and the three of us are playing, max says. "teecee!" which is code for "Tracy". his nanny. and sure, sure, it's a new word; he likes going to her house; he has fun there; they learn and play... but i HATE HATE HATE that i feel like he'd rather be with her. SURE, he doesn't, but mom-guilt is a nasty drug, dude. luckily, there's only 24 days of school left and i can spend all summer with him. ...and then come august i'll be THROWING him at tracy and RUNNING to school. haha, i keeed, i keeed!!! ;)

3. i am a lactose-intolerant person addicted to ice cream. this is bad for several reasons. not the least of which is that I AM ADDICTED TO ICE CREAM.

4. in related news: i had cereal for dinner almost every night this week (*don't judge - my kid eats like a king and after playing, dinner, more playing, bath, and bed, i'm just TOO TIRED!) and this has made me feel like i'm being stabbed in the stomach at 3 am every night. so back to the almond milk for me!

5. these are totally stupid confessions.

6. but no one ever reads this, so who cares?!?!

7. 2nd annual MaxFest is seriously going to kick. ass. like, the pictures from this party are gonna get linked to pinterest; THAT'S how badass my decorations are. not that that's a "confession"... but i may have used all company (school) supplies to make banners, signs, and favor tags and then laminated said items. THAT'S a confession. i trust ya'll won't tell the principal.

8. i have been married for 5&1/2 years and i still LOVE wedding dress shows. i dvr them and everything. i think this stems from the trauma of HATING my wedding dress all of a sudden 2 weeks before my wedding. yes. that happened. LOVED it when i bought it. was the one i wanted and i tried it on and bought it right there. no shopping around. no trying on OTHER DRESSES. still haunts me. my veil was my FAVORITE though. my mom made it and it had 2 layers; one cathedral length and one elbow and both were scalloped-edge with swarovski crystal danglies. so there's that. oh - and my shoes were insane. blue peeptoe satin with a diamond buckle. LOVE. BUT, there's still dress-regret.

so yeah. totally random and oddly-combined, but there they are.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

let's play a game, shall we?

since basically NO ONE reads this and i write just for giggles, i'm not tagging anyone to play. however, it IS fun to answer silly questions. so, if you have happened along, welcome. peruse. answer yourself! :)

1. If you could raid any celebrity's closet, who would it be and why?
i'm going with Jennifer Lopez. Not that we have the same style, but can you IMAGINE her shoe closet?!?! and i bet she has anything you could ever dream of wearing, so her clothes are probably in.sane. too.
2. If you were a shoe, what would you look like?
i would be very high. and very sparkly. with red bottoms. like these :)
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
when people say "Q-Pon" instead of "COUpon". there is NO 'Q' IN COUPON!!!
4. Favorite song of all-time?
hmmm. just one?! today, i'm gonna say "hysteria" by def leppard. don't judge. it rocks!!!
5. Are you a dog person or a cat person? And why? (If you don't like animals, we can't be friends.)
i like both, but we have a dog. monkey the pug. her name was almost 'lunchlady'. :)
6. You're queen for a day. How do you spend your royal 24 hours?
paying off that measly commoner, emmie's bills. then, go SHOPPING.
7. What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten?
sweet corn tamale cakes from cheesecake factory. not fancy, but ohhhhhhh so good!!!
8. What scares you the most? (This can be deep and complex or shallow...whateva you feel like!)
deep and complex: violence against women. i can't even watch tv shows or movies where women are being assaulted.
shallow: the thought of ben and jerry going out of business. *shudder*
9. Which celebrity do you wish would drift off into obscurity?
kim kardashian. khloe and kourtney can stay, but we gotta get rid of kim.
10. You're 16 years old again. What advice would you give your younger self?
a)do NOT, under ANY circumstances say "yes" when the haircut lady asks if you want "long layers". that mullet could have been avoided.
b)enjoy not having any bills.
c) move to new york. for no reason. just do it.
11. What's your Starbucks order?
venti nonfat no whip white mocha. (it just sounds so douchey)


Friday, January 13, 2012

it's about that time, folks...

the babyometer is starting to tick louder and louder. max is almost 19 months, every girl i was pregnant with has recently had number 2, and EVERY woman i work with finds it completely appropriate to ask when max is getting a sister. that part annoys me - mind ya bidness - but for real. max *does* need a sister.

here's the thing, though: i don't feel ready to start the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG process of getting pregnant again, but i am READY to get pregnant. for any other gal on earth (or at least all you fertile-myrtles) this is no problem! but, alas, for me it sucks. and i'm pretty sure we are not going to be that story that people will tell you about how their sister's roommate's aunt had pcos, did ivf, then the next time just got pregnant. no sir. we gave it the old college try, and no dice. (not that we'll stop trying, heehee.) so, this means we'll have to chill out our 3 on ice and see what happens. ---it's just that that is so ON PURPOSE! if i got pregnant "by accident", it's kind of like, "well, it's meant to be!" but if we do the frozen transfer, it's like, "you're having twins!" *shudder*

deep breaths for a sec. oh dear lord, twins.

ok. so anyhoo. i'd like our wolf pack to grow by one in the near future.