Sunday, December 6, 2009


i'm almost done with this first trimester business. and *whispers* ...

i'm good at this whole pregnancy thing!

like, i was all worried about not getting sick or feeling gross, and as it turns out, my mom only got nauseous for like, a week, then sailed through all 3 of her pregnancies. AND i went to my last appointment with the RE, and mini-d is perfect! he's* waving, kicking, moving all around and everything! i SAW it!!! that was just batshit crazy, i tell you.

so now, i go to my first OB appointment on thursday, and i'm hoping i get another ultrasound. i could watch that everyday all day for the next 6 months!

here's evidence that there is, in fact, a motherfucking snake on this motherfucking plane:

*i'm using the term "he" because 1) it sounds gross, and 2) i secretly think it's a boy. :)

1 comment:

nancy said...

BEAUTIFUL u/s picture! I love the gummy bear stage! :)

Yay on being good at this pregnancy thing. It's a wonderful thing to be good at.