- red velvet cheesecake from cheesecake factory. shit ain't right.

- mexican food. i could eat it everyday.

- reality television. you name it, i probably watch it. the housewives are a favorite. :)

- target. i heart target. i love the clothes, the fact that i can wander around for hours, and that there's usually a starbucks in there. :)

- facebook. the best and most entertaining way to waste your time.

- new school supplies. there's nothing like new pens, post-its, and expo markers to make going back to work a little easier.

- a sonic slush. soooooo good.

- ludacris. now, lemme preface this with the fact that i love mostly everything (except country!). my husband is a major music snob, so the only time i get to listen to my ear candy is in my car. you'll often find me singing along to my novelty rap while driving to work (or target!).
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