*ala usher*
so Leslie at A Blonde Ambition does a "confessional friday", so i thought i'd confess....
Numero Uno:
i need a haircut so. bad. i'm SOOOOOOOO trying to grow it out and i KNOW you have to trim to grow, but ugh. i so have to be in the mood to cut and i just haven't been. which brings me to...
Numero Dos:
i haven't been to a salon in about eleven years. yes, eleven. i cut and color my own hair because once you've been traumatized by the hands of a "stylist" who was supposed to do "long layers" in your gorgeous, long, chestnut hair that is your prized possession, but instead were left with a mullet billy ray cyrus would envy, you'd do your own hair too.
Numero Tres:
i hate laundry. we call the laundry room the "dungeon" and no one is allowed in there.
we went to orlando for our 5-year anniversary. we left max with my parents and enjoyed every. last. minute of it! the confession part?- i wish we stayed longer!!! yes, i love my baby, but DAMN. it was nice to sleep and just be with chris.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Cinco:
say what you will about fast food, but i'm putting it on the table. right here; right now. mcdonald's has the best coffee. i *like* starbucks and dunkin donuts, even 7-11 if need be, but micky d's is by far my favorite. there. i said it.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
hospitals = no bueno.
over thanksgiving break, max got my bad cold. grrrrreat. we were supposed to see a good friend who now lives in vegas in cocoa beach! oh well, i thought. so all week, we stayed home and max wasn't really getting any better. even after being on antibiotics for a few days. thanksgiving night, we noticed his lymph nodes getting puffy. by friday morning, they were HUGE. we immediately went to the doctor who told us to immediately go to the hospital. *cue freaking out*
poor guy was on an iv of 2 antibiotics and a steroid for 4 days. after an ultrasound, they found his lymph node was very badly infected, and was *thisclose* to needing surgery. luckily, the steroids worked and we didn't have to have surgery. so thankful.
but, being in the hospital that long and being hooked up to the iv made him a very VERY angry bubba. he was throwing fits left and right; throwing food; hitting mommy; you name it! it was so frustrating!
but, on day 4, they let us go home to continue the strong meds there. this is him in the car - i literally have never seen him THAT happy to be going somewhere!!!
now we've been home for about a week and he's "different". he cries when i leave, which he has NEVER done, he cries when we put him down for bed (again - NEVER done this before!). it doesn't help that the week he decided he wants to be independent and eat by himself and do things alone just so happened to be the week we were in the hospital. :/
but, hey i'll take it. my baby is better and being next door to kids with real illnesses was FOR SURE a reality check. my heart goes out to those families.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
once upon a time...
...i wrote regularly on my blog.
obviously, lately, is not that time.
quick catch-up: max turned one; summer was fun; halloween was RAD; and here we are!

anyhoo. chris and i are celebrating our FIFTH wedding anniversary next month!!! can't believe it was five years ago!
and now that i finally decided to write on my blog, i'm drawing a blank. which is why i wasn't writing anyway. ugh. oh well.
obviously, lately, is not that time.
quick catch-up: max turned one; summer was fun; halloween was RAD; and here we are!

anyhoo. chris and i are celebrating our FIFTH wedding anniversary next month!!! can't believe it was five years ago!
and now that i finally decided to write on my blog, i'm drawing a blank. which is why i wasn't writing anyway. ugh. oh well.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
10 months
Max is TEN MONTHS OLD!!! i can't believe it. for real. only 2 short months away from being a whole year since i birthed him. crazy.
- CRAWLS! houston, we have movement. kid won't sit still for 10 seconds.
- has SIX teeth! 4 on top, 2 little chicklets on the bottom.
- wakes up telling stories. "doydoy doy doy doy! doy doy? doy doy DOY!!!" who knows what 'doy' means - but homie sure loves saying it.
- laughs when i read to him.
- talks back when someone is talking on tv, the radio, in church. it's awesome. ;)
speaking of church, max is getting baptized next week. "better late than never" as my mom says. haha.
and then there's the other change this month... we switched daycare. ugh. long story. but i'm happy with where he is now, so alls well.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
wow. i am sucking at this.
i get so busy! i wish there were a way to sync my facebook statuses to my blog. ahhh, that would make my life so easy!
max is NINE months old! goodgodDAMN!!! i can't believe in just three short, SHORT months, he will be a whole year old. i want him to stay a teeny tiny baby forever. but i also love that he's a big boy i can toss around now. :)

-says "luffoo" (i love you - trust me.), mama, dada, hi and bye, and he thinks his name is bubba. i mean, i didn't set out to make him think that, that's just what i call him!
-pulls himself up to standing!
-rolls around like a hamster in a ball.
sleeps in the crib at the lowest position due to his navy seal training. it's only a matter of time until he scales the side.
-eats a LOT! actually, we're saving on formula since he only really eats about 2 bottles a day now.
-speaking of eating... max ate a frog yesterday. lemme break it down: max was in the pack-n-play over at jen's and she looked over and saw him gnawing on something. she didn't think much of it since he had a teether in there, but upon closer inspection, found that it was, indeed, a tree frog. poor thing had jumped in there, max caught it, and started chewing the CRAP out of it. tore it in half. *insert gags here*
-wears all 9 and 12 month clothes!!! his jams are all 12 month since the 9's are too short. i remember looking at those and thinking, "he will NEVER be big enough for these!" and now i look at them and think to myself that they look like they'll only fot for a few more weeks!!!
we go for his 9-month appointment on friday. i can't wait to see how much he has grown!
the poor frog. ;)
max is NINE months old! goodgodDAMN!!! i can't believe in just three short, SHORT months, he will be a whole year old. i want him to stay a teeny tiny baby forever. but i also love that he's a big boy i can toss around now. :)
-says "luffoo" (i love you - trust me.), mama, dada, hi and bye, and he thinks his name is bubba. i mean, i didn't set out to make him think that, that's just what i call him!
-pulls himself up to standing!
-rolls around like a hamster in a ball.
sleeps in the crib at the lowest position due to his navy seal training. it's only a matter of time until he scales the side.
-eats a LOT! actually, we're saving on formula since he only really eats about 2 bottles a day now.
-speaking of eating... max ate a frog yesterday. lemme break it down: max was in the pack-n-play over at jen's and she looked over and saw him gnawing on something. she didn't think much of it since he had a teether in there, but upon closer inspection, found that it was, indeed, a tree frog. poor thing had jumped in there, max caught it, and started chewing the CRAP out of it. tore it in half. *insert gags here*
-wears all 9 and 12 month clothes!!! his jams are all 12 month since the 9's are too short. i remember looking at those and thinking, "he will NEVER be big enough for these!" and now i look at them and think to myself that they look like they'll only fot for a few more weeks!!!
we go for his 9-month appointment on friday. i can't wait to see how much he has grown!
the poor frog. ;)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Survey Sayyyyssssss...
We went to the neurologist yesterday and after a silent, weird examination (reflexes; expected- turn him upside down and dangle him there for a second; UNexpected), the official diagnosis is max is "completely normal". No pinched nerve, no neurological disorder, not even a muscle disformity. Just a crooked smile. He said 2-3% of the population are just born this way and it's totally fine. Actually, he looked at Max and said, "Well it certainly isn't affecting his appetite, hm?" haha.
He said it won't hinder his speech or motor skills in the least, but it WILL make him a ladykiller in about 13 years. ;)
2% of the population.... so my Max really IS one in a million. <3
He said it won't hinder his speech or motor skills in the least, but it WILL make him a ladykiller in about 13 years. ;)
2% of the population.... so my Max really IS one in a million. <3
Saturday, February 19, 2011
8 month bits...
i can't believe max is 8 months old. i've been writing in his baby book each month, but i thought i should be writing more of the "little" things, too. like, lately, he really likes to straddle my legs while i'm sitting and he just rests his head on my bubbies and sucks his thumb. he just sits and sucks. but it makes me so incredibly happy because i can tell he feels safe and happy right there with his mommy.
his incisor came in. so he has both bottom front teeth and a fang. and it looks as though #4 is gonna be his other one. so, cool life. max the vampire. ;)
he still wakes up giggling. i know i sound like "that mom" who makes her kid sound like the best baby ever (mostly because he is, haha), but he honestly wakes himself up laughing. and when i come in and say, "goooood mooooooorning" all sing-song-y, it just makes him crack up even more.
his hair is very very red and getting very very curly as it gets longer. chris' hair is the same when it gets too long. i hope it stays this color. he has his very own, unique look. :)
i've packed away all of his 3-month clothes and most of his 6-month stuff. it really makes me sad when i have to pack up some of my favorite outfits for him.
we have to go to the neurologist on march 1st about his lip. when he was born, they said it was either a pinched nerve - war wound - or neurological. if it WAS neurological, they said it *could* inhibit his speech and/or motor skills. both of which are completely fine and perfectly on-schedule, so I think it's just a pinched nerve. (and they can't do anything about that anyway.) i hate that we have to take him, but our pediatrician says we should go just to rule out any other issue.
so anyhoo. i wish time would stand still for awhile. i wish it was summer so i could stay home with my bubba everyday. such a pickle.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Let's see...
...if I can blog from my phone! You'll know I am by the auto-capitalization. Y'all KNOW I'm too lazy for the shift key!
Sidenote: my face is breaking the fuck out like a teenager. I had cramps yesterday (never happens). I'm on 31 days (totally normal, but was 28 last month). And I felt nautious yesterday and again this morning.
Hopes are not up.
But GOODGOTDAMN, that would be batshit crazy.
Sidenote: my face is breaking the fuck out like a teenager. I had cramps yesterday (never happens). I'm on 31 days (totally normal, but was 28 last month). And I felt nautious yesterday and again this morning.
Hopes are not up.
But GOODGOTDAMN, that would be batshit crazy.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
alive and well.
happy 2011! ...on february 3rd.
i think so much happens, and i WANT to write about it, but i get too tired, or too busy, or just want to play with max, or chris, or whatever that i just don't.
so let's see. instead of trying to catch up, i'll just start from where i am.
my foot is killing me. i have plantar faciitis, which started RIGHT when i stopped breastfeeding, but my doctor swears one has nothing to do with the other. anyhoo, i can't walk. or run. or do anything that requires wearing cute shoes. so that sucks. i lost 5 pounds last month, but i could be doing better if i was *reallllly* watching what i eat, and of course, if i could do some kind of cardio.
max is a giant. he's 7 & 1/2 months and is about 20 pounds. he's been sitting up, rolling over, scooching, babbling, and waving... but the REALLY exciting stuff is that not only does he have a few teeth, he discovered he can CHOOSE his emotion! yesterday, when i picked him up early because he was having a rough day, he was MEAN-MUGGIN' me! like, eyebrows furled, pouty lip - everything! he was thinking, "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME HERE ALL DAY?!?!" or something! he was so pissed, but it was hilarious!
i hate going to work and leaving my baby everyday. i mean, i do it. i have to. and it helps that i'm the first thing he sees in the morning, and when i wake him up, he smiles when he hears my voice before he even opens his eyes. but, i still wish i was with him all day. i want him to know I'M the mommy and not the nanny.
i pick him up in the middle of the night and rock him. he's not normally a "cuddler", but he doesn't wake up easy, so that's the one chance i get to just love on him for as long as i want. the best is when he wakes up for just a second, snuggles up in my neck, and goes limp again. i just love my little bubba.
i think so much happens, and i WANT to write about it, but i get too tired, or too busy, or just want to play with max, or chris, or whatever that i just don't.
so let's see. instead of trying to catch up, i'll just start from where i am.
my foot is killing me. i have plantar faciitis, which started RIGHT when i stopped breastfeeding, but my doctor swears one has nothing to do with the other. anyhoo, i can't walk. or run. or do anything that requires wearing cute shoes. so that sucks. i lost 5 pounds last month, but i could be doing better if i was *reallllly* watching what i eat, and of course, if i could do some kind of cardio.
max is a giant. he's 7 & 1/2 months and is about 20 pounds. he's been sitting up, rolling over, scooching, babbling, and waving... but the REALLY exciting stuff is that not only does he have a few teeth, he discovered he can CHOOSE his emotion! yesterday, when i picked him up early because he was having a rough day, he was MEAN-MUGGIN' me! like, eyebrows furled, pouty lip - everything! he was thinking, "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME HERE ALL DAY?!?!" or something! he was so pissed, but it was hilarious!
i hate going to work and leaving my baby everyday. i mean, i do it. i have to. and it helps that i'm the first thing he sees in the morning, and when i wake him up, he smiles when he hears my voice before he even opens his eyes. but, i still wish i was with him all day. i want him to know I'M the mommy and not the nanny.
i pick him up in the middle of the night and rock him. he's not normally a "cuddler", but he doesn't wake up easy, so that's the one chance i get to just love on him for as long as i want. the best is when he wakes up for just a second, snuggles up in my neck, and goes limp again. i just love my little bubba.
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