i can't believe max is 8 months old. i've been writing in his baby book each month, but i thought i should be writing more of the "little" things, too. like, lately, he really likes to straddle my legs while i'm sitting and he just rests his head on my bubbies and sucks his thumb. he just sits and sucks. but it makes me so incredibly happy because i can tell he feels safe and happy right there with his mommy.
his incisor came in. so he has both bottom front teeth and a fang. and it looks as though #4 is gonna be his other one. so, cool life. max the vampire. ;)
he still wakes up giggling. i know i sound like "that mom" who makes her kid sound like the best baby ever (mostly because he is, haha), but he honestly wakes himself up laughing. and when i come in and say, "goooood mooooooorning" all sing-song-y, it just makes him crack up even more.
his hair is very very red and getting very very curly as it gets longer. chris' hair is the same when it gets too long. i hope it stays this color. he has his very own, unique look. :)
i've packed away all of his 3-month clothes and most of his 6-month stuff. it really makes me sad when i have to pack up some of my favorite outfits for him.
we have to go to the neurologist on march 1st about his lip. when he was born, they said it was either a pinched nerve - war wound - or neurological. if it WAS neurological, they said it *could* inhibit his speech and/or motor skills. both of which are completely fine and perfectly on-schedule, so I think it's just a pinched nerve. (and they can't do anything about that anyway.) i hate that we have to take him, but our pediatrician says we should go just to rule out any other issue.
so anyhoo. i wish time would stand still for awhile. i wish it was summer so i could stay home with my bubba everyday. such a pickle.
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