Wednesday, November 25, 2009


this thanksgiving, i'm thankful for being pregnant. nothing has made me happier, more scared and freaked-out on a regular basis, or completely school-girl giddy-er. i have waited and yearned and hoped and wished and prayed for longer than one person should have to and all of my dreams have come true.

i can't even imagine next year at this time.

my cup runneth over.


nancy said...

EMMIE!!! you are pregnant?? Did I miss this somehow? I haven't been reading blogs due to my reader being down and I'm trying to get through my "don't miss" folder, which you are part of. And here it is, you are almost 11 weeks pregnant and I am just reading it now. Maybe I didn't miss your annoucement, but I think I did. What a horrible blog buddy I am. Ack.

I'm THRILLED for you miss emmie!!! YAY!!!

nancy said...

Wait a minute. I have you in my "don't miss - pregnant" folder. I somehow knew it? heh. Okay, I'll stop wondering about it. I'm crazy.

Emmie :) said...

no problem, nancy! you've had yourself some crazy shit lately. ;)