Saturday, February 27, 2010

max's room!!!

my mom loves to sew. it drove me crazy as a kid. she would insist on making my dresses for easter, weddings, PROM... and they were always way too big. she makes everything else perfectly; just dresses for me could never "fit". i went to prom in a green satin sack. so after that, i saved up to buy my own clothes and she's made quilts, purses, curtains and anything else i've asked for and i love all of it.

and noooooow, she's making all of max's bedding!!! we went this morning to pick out fabrics and i'm soooo excited to see it done! it's going to look sooo cute!

here's a peek:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


in an effort to better document my pregnancy, i give you "bits"...

- when my bladder gets really full, then i go, i can FEEL everything fall down gradually. it kind of hurts, but it's more weird than anything.

- i have had this headache for 3 days straight.

- max does not like when i sing. he also likes to let me know when i should eat. so far, he's totally cool about me sleeping, which i am quite grateful for. i've read horror stories of being up all night with kicking babies. i'm good with just not singing.

- oh, we named mini Max Christopher. Chris is his daddy's name and we have just always loved 'max'. no one knows an uncool max.

- my usually loose rings are just starting to get tighter. not uncomfortable, but i can see where they're headed.

- i was told by a 13 yr-old boy yesterday that i "look like i ate a baby". ...thanks?

- while i'm definitely rounder, i'm still waiting for the middle belly-button portion of my stomach to round out. it's not a roll, just not ball-shaped yet. and it's annoying me because i guess there's still that "i wonder if she's pregnant or just needs to lay off the cheeseburgers" look on some faces.

- i have mad heartburn. i'm told that means he's hairy. if that's true, he's gonna be a gorilla.

- my boobs had gotten a solid cup-size bigger around 7/8ish weeks, but they've been back to normal since. no new bras! ...yet.

- i heart maternity pants. for real. why does no one wear these on a regular basis?!?! no muffin tops, no fat days, no trying to unbutton lighting fast so you don't pee yourself...

- i still can't believe i'm pregnant. 22 weeks, at that!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

all bets are closed....

MINI-D IS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm so excited i can't stop smiling. little boys are the cutest! i bought a couple little outfits on my way home; one is a baby jogging suit with a puppy on the front with little puppy ears on the hood. oh. my. GOD! i can't wait to see my little man in it!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

simple pleasures...

in no particular order, these are the things that make me happy.

1. feeling mini-d squirm around in there
2. a clean desk (finished grading all my papers; not just pushed everything onto the bookcase. :) )
3. watching reruns of friends
4. buying a dress and getting to the counter only to find out it's on SALE!
5. friday night with the hubs watching a movie
6. good hair days
7. folded laundry/clean kitchen/dusted furniture
8. showers; wedding or baby
9. using all of my pretty platters when we have a party
10. cupcakes. :)

10 weeks later...

and i'm sick again. no voice, hacking cough, bad headaches sick. booooo.

so i'm home from work and catching up on my dvr'ed shows and sipping on some oj. 2 more days til we find out if mini is a he or a she!!!!