Tuesday, June 3, 2008

you're onlyyyyyy a dayyyy aaaaawayyyyy!

tomorrow is FINALLY the last day of school. i have never met people i dislike so much as the children i've taught this year. now, all 13-yr-olds are given a certain amount of 'slack'. they're 13. i get it. but this year, not only were they just downright not smart, they were arrogant about being not smart. and they were mean. and not like teenage kid mean. like, downright evil. i wouldn't be surprised if several of them wound up in jail for armed robberies and murder. seriously.

i love my job. i don't mean to sound like that bitter old teacher, but i'm really patting myself on the back for a)making the whole year and b) doing so without winding up on the news for hitting a kid. i plan on fully forgetting this whole 07-08 school eyar never happened as of 4 o'clock tomorrow.

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