Wednesday, November 5, 2008

pass the candy, please.

ugh. i have to go to the doctor on the 21st to get my blood checked. insulin levels and stuff. but along with that, i think i'm getting weighed. this appointment will be 2 months after my last one and i'm fairly certain i'm supposed to have lost at least 15 pounds; probably closer to 25. weeEEEEeeeell.... i've lost about 5 in the last 6 weeks. mmm-hmmm. between breakdowns, time changes, halloween candy, and the worst substitute you can imagine, i've been a little distracted and really not caring about what i eat. you know what?- i take that back. it's the damn candy. i walk, the sub got fired (dude. whole other story.), and i cry all the time anyway.

but seriously?! if it has peanut butter in it, i love it. and remember those perfect angel children i teach this year? yeah, well they all brought me vanilla tootsie rolls (my all-time fave) and reeses from their personal stashes. one little mention on 'favorites' and i gain a million pounds.
sidenote - funny story - my rows were getting really squished together from 13 year-olds plopping into them all week, and as i was walking up and down handing out papers, i say, "i think it's just adorable that you guys think my butt is small enough to fit in between these desks!" and this little girl who looks like a 5th grader, says, 'but you're skinny enough to fit anyway! look - you're doing it!" i'm not sure if she was trying to make me feel better or if she was serious, but either way, it made my day! haha.

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