Sunday, September 27, 2009


i have had a massive headache for 24 straight hours. i've had one come on every night for last 4 or so days, but usually, i just go to sleep and it goes away.

not this time.

holy crap, my eyeballs feel like they're trying to bust out of my head. maybe it's because my doctor raised my menopur from 2 to 3 each night. i feel exxxxxtra crazy lately.

but! hopefully, this all works out and the headaches won't be for nothing. so far, the tentative retrieval date is oct. 5th or 6th. ONE WEEK!!! holy crap.


nancy said...

Ugh. Headaches are TERRIBLE. I'm so sorry you've had one for so long.

YAY on the upcoming retrieval! I'm so excited for you!

Emmie :) said...

thanks, nancy!