Saturday, January 23, 2010

i mean, i guess...???

i *think* mini's moving around in there! i've felt this "feeling" in there off and on all this past week. kinda feels like a swooooooosh, or like when you roll your fist against your arm. (did that make sense? i can't explain it right, i think.) it does *not* feel like "bubbles" or "gas". not even like "butterflies". more like .... an elbow rolling across my uterus. i mean, maybe it's a knee or something, but whatever. i'm having a really hard time describing it, which sucks for chris. HE can't feel it from the outside, so he wants to know all about it and i think i just frustrate him when i try. haha.

ALSO - i have gained a total of SIX POUNDS!!! i have NOT been dieting, that's for damn sure, so i'm just happy to be on track. i watched my friend go from 160 to 210 in the first 4 months, (topping out at 270 - THAT was scary.) so i've always been afraid that would be me, too. i LOOK at food and gain weight. but so far, so good!

and i can't wait til the 5th. i can't wait to be able to say 'he' or 'she' with confidence! and the NAMES! we can finally lock down a name!!! so excited!!!

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