Saturday, January 2, 2010

ok. i'm in.

i guess this is getting more "real" everyday. still not showing, but my normally peaches-n-cream complexion is not so cute anymore. i get at least one breakout a day! arg. and i wake up in the middle of the night having "pulled" my nether-regions. i know, i know, totally normal, but seriously weird! and i cry over the stupidest things. that damn baby commercial where they're all sleeping and cuddly, while watching the blind side, (cried the entire movie. "i just hoo-o-ope he doesn't feel embarrrrr-assed about being so bad at fooootballllllwaaaaaaaa.") when my husband makes his usual no-one-else-would-find-this-funny bad jokes.

so all added up, i'm pretty sure this whole pregnancy thing is going according to schedule and alls well.

and just in case i didn't think so, mrs. doctor lady said everything is growing beautifully and baby's heartbeat is sounding perfect.


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