Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i'm a big fat, giant fat fatty.


my summer's goal was to lose 20 pounds. not only did i not reach that goal, i gained about 10!!!

10 pounds, people!!!

granted, i just got back from my husband's family reunion. when i say they don't eat healthy food, i mean it. like, cake, chips, pasta, fried everything are all daily occurences. i didn't go crazy, but when there's nothing in the house but crap, it's hard to be good. i'm hoping at least 3-5 of those pounds are related to all the salt i've had. that'll be encouraging in a day or two when i've got a good lead.

problem is, i should be starting the ivf process very soon, and i gained about 13 pounds on those drugs even while i was seriously dieting and working out. i need a miracle. a skinny-me miracle.


nancy said...

well, here's hope for that skinni-you miracle on ivf meds! I'm rooting for you! But if it means gained weight vs a baby, I'll pick baby for you!

Emmie :) said...

thank you!!! i'd have no problem being a giant tubby if i had a baby (or two!) to show for it!