Monday, November 9, 2009

i must be crazy.

i'm pregnant! me! emmie! is pregnant!!!

after almost 3 years of drugs, procedures, and failures; it's finally happened! why am i still *ever so slightly* crushed - no - not "crushed" - more like the former me of a couple months ago is going through it - when TWO of my close girlfriends announced this same week that they are pregnant too! by accident! (seems as though we're all about 2 weeks apart!) so excited for them - but i still feel that pang of jealousy - AND I'M PREGNANT!

i guess you can take the girl out of infertility; but you can't take the infertility out of the girl. or something like that.

1 comment:

nancy said...

I did miss the announcement. Grrr.

Emmie, I'm so happy for you. SO VERY HAPPY!! (okay, and a bit jealous, but that's good right? It's about time someone is jealous over YOUR pregnancy, right???!)