Sunday, November 8, 2009

sucking the fun out

telling people you're pregnant - FINALLY - for the first time should be crazy fun, right? you should giggle and cry and get hugs and giggles and tears from whomever will listen, right??? ESPECIALLY your girlfriends, right???

not me.

not that they haven't gotten excited, or had some giggles; they have. except.

THEN they want to tell me all about their terrible experience, and after a 20-minute diversion into your epidural-not-working-story i get the - "but i'm sure you won't have that problem." or i get bombarded with insurance and maternity leave questions that i have no fucking clue about THEN i'm made to feel stupid for not knowing!

it's like someone made it their job to scare the shit out of me. or stress me the fuck out for fun! wtf?!?!

and, ladies, here's a secret about little ole me: i don't take kindly to people telling me what to do. never have; never will, i'm suspecting. no idea why. i have an authority complex maybe. so when my PEER tells me i should be doing something, or gives unsolicited, opinionated advice, i tend to get quite defensive and bitchy. which they know! it's not like i've never met them before! i had to leave a dinner last night because after listening for TWO AND A HALF HOURS to said annoying stories, i JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! and i just left. probably abruptly. but i seriously was going to blow up.

so yeah. i want the fun part to start happening soon. gushes, giggles, what-names-are-you-thinking-abouts, what-color-do-you-want-to-do-the-nurserys, and stuff. or this is going to be a very lonely 9 months. :)

i think i'm so annoyed because most of my friends are very aware of my struggles, attempts, and failures in the trying-to-make-a-baby adventures. so it's just kinda sucky that they're not more sensitive to what i need right now. or maybe i'm being crazy, expecting people to be psychic. who knows.

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